Dr. Stephen Berquist: Taming the Flow: Population movement, politics, and the production of hydropolitical knowledge in the Late Pre-Hispanic Andes
Oct 30, 2024
12:30PM to 2:00PM
1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Canada

Date(s) - 30/10/2024
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
LR Wilson Hall Room# 3001
Dr. Stephen Berquist: Taming the Flow: Population movement, politics, and the production of hydropolitical knowledge in the Late Pre-Hispanic Andes
Postdoctoral Research fellow, University of Warsaw. Center for Andean Studies
Research Association at Archaeology Centre of the University of Toronto
Stephen Berquist, PhD (Anthropology, University of Toronto, ‘22), specializes in environmental anthropology, urbanism, and political histories of the Indigenous Andes. He has also conducted ethnography in the United States and Canada and collaborated on archaeological projects in Lebanon, Cambodia, and the U.S.A.
Temperature and precipitation fluctuations, frequent flash floods, volcanic eruptions, and devastating El Niño events make the Andean Region one of the most unstable environments in the world. To mediate these conditions, Andean peoples have developed what I term “anticipatory infrastructures,” that include a range of mechanisms to stabilize the effects of climatic fluctuations. To contemporary Indigenous communities, such fluctuations manifest the terrakuna and apukuna, earth-beings and sacred peaks. Quechua peoples in southern Peru thus refer to irrigation practices as “teaching water,” emphasizing the necessity of socializing a capricious earth-being before entering into relations with it.
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