People Listing

Ellen Amster
Adjunct & Associate Member, Religious Studies
Adjunct & Associate Member, Anthropology
Adjunct & Associate Member, Institute on Globalization & the Human ConditionJason A. Hannah Chair in the History of Medicine, McMaster University Medical Centre
Associate Professor, Family Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences
Member, McMaster Institute for Research on Aging (MIRA), McMaster University
Associate Member, Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact, Faculty of Health Sciences
Jason A. Hannah Chair in the History of Medicine, McMaster University Medical Centre

Cal Biruk
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Graduate Chair, Anthropology

Tristan Carter
Professor, Anthropology
Undergraduate Chair, Anthropology
Melissa Dunham
Instructional Assistant, Anthropology
Archaeology Teaching Laboratory

Harvey Feit
Emeritus, Anthropology
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada

Delia Hutchinson
Academic Department Manager, Anthropology

Basit Iqbal
Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Adjunct & Associate Member, Religious Studies
Adjunct & Associate Member, Institute on Globalization & the Human Condition
Bonnie Kahlon
Lab Technician, Anthropology
McMaster Paleoethnobotanical Research Facility (MPERF)

Scott Martin
Adjunct & Associate Member, Anthropology
Operations Manager, Sustainable Archaeology McMaste

Karen McGarry
Associate Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences
Associate Professor, Anthropology

Katie Miller
Undergraduate Administrative Assistant, Anthropology

Tina Moffat
Professor, Anthropology
Adjunct & Associate Member, Health, Aging & Society

Giles Morrow
Assistant Professor, Contractually Limited Appointment

Hendrik Poinar
Professor, Anthropology
Associate Member, Biology, Faculty of Science
Joint Appointment, Biochemistry & Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences
Member, Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research (IIDR), Faculty of Health Sciences
Member, Origins Institute, Faculty of Science
Associate Member, Biology, Faculty of Science

Tracy Prowse
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Associate Editor, American Journal of Biological Anthropology

Andy Roddick
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Chair, Anthropology

Celia Rothenberg
Associate Professor, Religious Studies
Adjunct & Associate Member, Anthropology
Adjunct & Associate Member, Institute on Globalization & the Human Condition
Chair, Religious Studies
Chair of Undergraduate Affairs, Religious Studies

Adrianne Xavier
Assistant Professor, Indigenous Studies
Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Member, McMaster Indigenous Research Institute (MIRI)

Kee Yong
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Associate Member, Institute on Globalization & the Human Condition